
114: Getting Permission with Denise Lampron

In this episode of The Miracle You, Vince Kramer of Imagine Miracles and Denise Lampron talk about the Art of Mindful Aging. Denise shares her insight and expertise on the importance of living our passion and purpose as we age and how to do it.

Denise LampronDenise created The Art of Mindful Aging, a 4-module series, to support men and women over 50. The program focuses on giving voice to aging concerns, shedding light on physical transitions associated with aging, encouraging access to value, wisdom and gifts after a lifetime of experience. Additionally, the program invites curiosity on how to positively engage with life after 50 and beyond. Denise considers this work her calling, as she desires to change the paradigm on aging by serving the aging population, so ultimately they can live in a world that respects and honors them.

Denise earned her Yoga Teacher Certification in 1999. She taught Gentle Yoga to mature participants for ten years, along  with workshops focusing on the benefits of yoga for the aging woman. She is featured in the book Yoga and the Wisdom ofMenopause. Denise is also a Certified Tantra Teacher and brings this knowledge and experience to the Relationship andSexuality module of her signature course, The Art of Mindful Aging. Her involvement with yoga led to the spiritual practices that she continues to apply today.

Denise is passionate about color and style. Her Mature Beauty & Style services are tailored to her over-50 female clientele. Officially she is a color and style consultant and creates personal color palettes and style direction for women. But what really happens is she reaches into the heart of a woman to discover what her body and soul want to express as she grows older. Together they tap into a lifetime of experience and transform that into a visual expression of her client’s current self and lifestyle. The mature woman deserves to enjoy the pleasure and distinction of her beauty and style.

Episode Resources:

Official Website: www.theartofmindfulaging.com

Facebook: @theartofmindfulaging

Instagram: @theartofminfulaging

Twitter: @artofmindfulage

Email: [email protected]

Free Gift: www.theartofmindfulaging.com

Three Key Points:

It is never too late to live our divine intent. And …we can continue to live your divine intent up until the moment you choose to transition. Unfortunately, as a society, we tend to not believe that we have something to give and that our lives are still extremely valuable as we leave the job world or our families no longer seem to need us.

There is no reason we can’t grow older with style and grace continuing to make the difference we are meant to make in the world. You have something to offer in a combination no one else has and you must share it with those that are waiting to receive it.

Wanting to know how has held so many people back from expressing themselves fully and really showing up in the world in the way we are meant to show up. When we can allow the how to unfold in its timing, we can take the fears and worries out of the equation.

Show Notes:

5:09 – Denise shares that she is in a time of refirement and how the Art of Mindful Aging makes a difference in the world.

7:45 – Denise share her wake up call and how she rediscovered her calling as she moves into bringing her work to the world.

10:00 – Courage is needed to step into the unknown and we must be willing to move into our power.

12:15 – Denise how she made her business in alignment with who she is and the difference she has learned she is want to make.

15:22 – Denise explains how she is sharing her divine intent through her teaching and coaching in her programs.

16:50 – Denise shares an example how people benefit from learning and implementing what she shares with her clients.

19:31 – Going beyond how you look or the age you are and stepping into the gifts you have to offer with the experience you have lived makes your age an asset for sharing your story.

22:35 – Passion isn’t just for a 25 year old and it can still be a driving force in you enjoying and living life.

23:10 – Learn some of the limiting beliefs that we have around aging that are holding thousands of people back in their later years.

24:50 – For some reason, we need permission to still live life fully with passion and purpose. Denise gives us permission.

29:42 – Denise shares a piece of guidance to help us live life all the way to the end.

Imagine Miracles Resources:

  1. Your Unique Purpose Formula: Vince’s Five-Step Process to Discover Your Purpose and Your Miracle Life.
  2. C.R.E.A.T.E Model: Vince’s Six Steps to Creating and Living the Life that You Desire.
  3. Free Chapter: From Vince’s Best-selling Book Sharing the Four Things You Don’t Know Keeping You From Living a Miracle Life.