
116: Shifting Your Identity with Anthony Trucks

In this episode of the Imagine Miracles Podcast “The Miracle You,” Anthony trucks shares with host Vince Kramer the magic in Shifting Your Identity. Anthony talks about rewiring your brain to support you stepping fully into your life.

Anthony Trucks

Anthony Trucks is a foster kid turned NFL athlete and serial entrepreneur with one serious super power. Making Shift Happen, no matter what, by accessing the power of identity. After overcoming over 30+ traumatic life events, and navigating the identity shifts that followed, Anthony has come to be known as the leading expert in “Shifting”. Which is making a shift internally, to elevate how you operate externally, which in turn changes your life.

With his unique coaching system called “The Shift Method”, that can also be found in his new book “Identity Shift”, Anthony weaves together neuroscience, psychology, technology, and hard fought life lessons to help anyone with a desire for more in their life achieve any goal they want, or have ever wanted. Before making it apparent their goals were actually set far below their true potential in the first place. Buckle up, It’s time to Make Shift Happen.

Episode Resources:

Official Website: AnthonyTrucks.com

Facebook: @AnthonyTrucks

Instagram: @AnthonyTrucks

Twitter: @AnthonyTrucks

Email: [email protected]

Three Key Points:

We develop a personality as we start living our lives. This personality comes from the input of those closest to us and our perception of our experiences. This personality becomes our operating system. It is the way that we live our lives. We also take on identities. Some of these identities are assigned to us. Other identities we choose or take on as we take on aspects of our lives.

The identities that we take on or that are given to us come with aspects and actions that are associated with them. Many times because identities like husband, father and ones associated with our jobs or businesses take up the majority of our waking hours, we begin to look at ourselves as those identities instead of who we truly are. We get lost in life.

Life becomes automatic based on identities that are wired into the neural networks of our brains. These neural networks result in us creating the same life over and over. If you seen the movie ‘Ground Hog Day,” you can get a great idea of what that looks like. Once we learn that these neural networks can be rewired, we can transform our lives based on the new wiring.

Show Notes:

3:39 – Anthony shares how the instability in his life gave him choices to make and how he learned and grew through all of it.

5:00 – Anthony shares how the loss of his adoptive mother was the wake up call that sent him on a journey to turn his life around..

6:06 – Learn how an injury to his shoulder, not only ended his season but also his entire professional football career.

8:35 – Anthony shares we have ups and downs in our lives that we don’t appreciate. When the good things happen many times we are waiting for the other shoe to drop.

10:35 – His adoptive mother’s diagnosis of MS, made him question life and what comes during it. When his mom passed, he look at life with a new understanding of our mortality.

13:13 – Anthony recognized that he was the common denominator in all his problems and he began a search to find his part in his life situations.

16:15 – Anthony shares about identity. Your identity is who you are when you aren’t thinking about who you are. The nooks and crannies fill up the spaces.

22:45 – Learn about neural networks and how we can rewire them to effectively reprogram how we automatically react in our lives.

26:10 – Anthony shares the successes and changes people have experienced by using his work of rewiring.

32:41 – Learn how to get in touch with Anthony and learn more about his new book Identity Shift. get the gold in layman’s terms.

Imagine Miracles Resources:

  1. Your Unique Purpose Formula: Vince’s Five-Step Process to Discover Your Purpose and Your Miracle Life.
  2. C.R.E.A.T.E Model: Vince’s Six Steps to Creating and Living the Life that You Desire.
  3. Free Chapter: From Vince’s Best-selling Book Sharing the Four Things You Don’t Know Keeping You From Living a Miracle Life.