
Awakening Book Series with Mary Kramer – Episode 4

In this episode of our special series dedicated to Mary Kramer of Imagine Miracles sharing her perspective of the book, “Awakening Through Moments of Choice.” Mary and her husband Vince are co-authors of the book that is shared from Vince’s perspective. In Episode 4, Mary shares about life as it led up to meeting Vince and the life they have together.

Mary Kramer - Awakening Podcast Series

Mary’s journey into her role as a highly sought after Self-Reflection Guide began with an eye opening visit to her cardiologist. It was revealed to Mary that the picture-perfect life in which she thought she was thriving in was actually the reason for her stress and a worsening heart condition. This is where she experienced a moment of choice in which she opted to change her life in order to survive.

These changes led her on a spiritual journey where she learned to access her own modalities and vibrations, resulting in unlocking the life she was meant to live as an individual as well as the life she was meant to share with her husband, Vince, serving others to achieve a life of passion and purpose.

Mary shares her life experience in her teachings as a way to inspire people to get to know themselves and live an empowered life of their design. Having been recognized for her intuitive connection to people’s hearts, Mary shines as a guide that aids her students in exploring their inner makeup to reframe their thoughts and circumstantial perceptions so they can vibrate at a higher level to experience divine connection and joy in their lives.

Show Notes:

Amazon Book Purchase Link: Order Book Here

Book Synopsis Awakening Through Moments of Choice:

A transformational collaborative memoir detailing Vince and Mary and their quest to gain a deeper understanding of the things that matter most: meaning, connection, and love. Through the conversations and connection, Vince embarks upon a journey of shedding limiting beliefs and opening up to the worlds of possibility and living on purpose. Vince’s story and Mary’s experiences will inspire readers to re-examine their own lives and encourage them to find their unique individual connection to the answers of their most pressing questions.

Episode Resources:

Official Website:  imaginemiracles.com

Instagram:  @imaginemiraclesinsta

Facebook:  @imaginemiracles

LinkedIn:  @mary-kramer

Twitter:  @ImgMirTweets

YouTube Channel: @imaginemiracles

Email: [email protected]

Imagine Miracles Resources:

  1. Your Unique Purpose Formula: Vince’s Five-Step Process to Discover Your Purpose and Your Miracle Life.
  2. C.R.E.A.T.E Model: Vince’s Six Steps to Creating and Living the Life that You Desire.
  3. Free Chapter: From Vince’s Best-selling Book Sharing the Four Things You Don’t Know Keeping You From Living a Miracle Life.