
085: Success with a Team with Ken Mosesian

Tune in to The Miracle You podcast with your host Vince Kramer of Imagine Miracles and his entrepreneurial guest Ken Mosesian while they talk about how to achieve success in your business by ensuring your team is aligned with your brand and values.

Ken Mosesian

Ken is a successful entrepreneur, who is passionate about helping CEOs thrive and succeed. He understands the global impact small and mid-size businesses can make, and his personal mission is to help bring their dreams to successful fruition.

Ken works with multi-million dollar companies across multiple industries. With this extensive experience, he can help any type of business train and develop their teams, setting their CEOs free from daily operations, allowing them to confidently focus on the future vision, growth, and profitability of their business.

By letting go of day-to-day operations, CEOs can navigate company transitions with clarity and purpose. Ultimately, his goal is to perpetuate the triumph of the entrepreneurial spirit to achieve greatness. With Ken’s guidance, you will discover what is keeping you stuck in an “operations mindset” and help you leverage and trust the teams you’ve built, so you can turn toward what you do best: Create.

Episode Resources:

Website: mosesian.com

Free Gift: mosesian.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mosesianstrategies/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/kenmosesian

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kenmosesian/?hl=en

Three Key Points:

Understand that you need to surround yourself with a community of people that trust you, support you, and can hold you accountable. Surround yourself with people who are in alignment with the real you, your brand, and your purpose.

We are the creators in our life, and we are in control. Once we expand ourselves, we can see more and more of aspects of our lives that we can control.

Each of us are unique in our talents and our brand. Instead of saying something you feel someone else wants to hear, try expressing who you really are and the truth behind your personal brand, then you’ll attract those who are aligned with your brand and purpose.

Show Notes:

3:10 — Starting out the podcast, Ken Mosesian shares more in depth about what makes him uniquely Ken. Living in Phoenix, AZ. He discovered the biggest challenges that business CEOs face and shares what those challenges are and how he can help overcome them.

4:50 — Many people know what they want to be at an early age. As an EMT, Ken learned what appreciation for teamwork really meant.

6:50 — An experience of Vitiligo (a disease in which skin loses its pigment), Ken lost all the pigment on his face. This led him down a path of sever depression, but a moment came to him when he realized what he had control over in his life.

10:20 — Ken’s turning point was realizing that he has acted as a builder for his life but allowing others to be the designers. He was blindly creating his life as how other people saw him.

12:24 — Over the course of 1 year, a CEO handing over operations to people he trusted was able to make a record high year of profit that the company has ever seen. With Ken’s guidance of promise and brand, he was not only able to help the company, but also the CEO applied what she learned to her marriage and saved it from crumbling.

14:35 — How to win customers by telling the truth about you and your brand is the foundation of a book Ken wrote. You don’t have to be great at everything. What’s important is accentuating your uniqueness and combining that with others’ uniqueness to make an unstoppable team.

17:00 — When you think about the product or service that you offer, what is the promise you can say you’re making to your customers? What is the one thing your customers can count on every time they engage with your products or services? If you can answer this question, then you’re at the heart of what your brand is.

18:40 — It’s important to evaluate your team to ensure they represent the values you hold and are properly representing your band. If your values hold constant, then you know your company will be okay.

21:50 — Online education is the next step in Ken’s divine purpose, and he can see education in a different way, especially since we’re living in a changing time.

22:30 — You don’t need to have the entire world love you. All you need to do is be authentic, and the world will come to you.

Imagine Miracles Resources:

  1. Your Unique Purpose Formula: Vince’s Five-Step Process to Discover Your Purpose and Your Miracle Life.
  2. C.R.E.A.T.E Model: Vince’s Six Steps to Creating and Living the Life that You Desire.
  3. Free Chapter: From Vince’s Best-selling Book Sharing the Four Things You Don’t Know Keeping You From Living a Miracle Life.