
006: Finding the Gifts in Life with Jonathan Christian

Join us on this episode of The Miracle You podcast with Vince Kramer of Imagine Miracles as we share how powerful wake-up calls can be, but when you listen to the direction that you discover through them you can discover your path. Jonathan shares several miracles and two life-threatening and life-changing stories from his past and how the totally changed his life.

Jonathan Christian

Jonathan is the founder of We Make Stuff Happen, an innovative Digital Marketing and Training Agency that helps businesses and non-profits around the world. He helps you tell your story online and face-to-face, so that you can maximize the social marketplace.

The Social Media Evangelist, Jonathan works with awesome people, helping them leverage their story strategically across social channels. His gift is in teaching others how to successfully maneuver the ever-changing landscape of Social Media to grow their business. He is a highly respected industry expert, dynamic trainer, and hilarious speaker for companies looking to grow exponentially by harnessing their unique story to create a powerful online audience.

Episode Resources:

Website: www:wemakestuffhappen.com

You can find Jonathan on Social Media platforms, just by searching for #makestuffhappen. Jonathan Christian or his website.

Three Key Points:

Everything in your life up to now has gone into what you are right now in this moment. The circumstances in your life and what you have learned from them have gone into developing your gifts and talents.

People in this world are craving authentic and real relationships. When you share who you are without self-judgment you help meet that need.

The darkest times in our lives have the potential to bring us the biggest gifts and help us find our light and our brilliance.

Show Notes:

3:05 – Jonathan shares how the little miracles in his life have lead to the best job in the world.

4:24 – When you are authentic and can share your story from the heart people want to do business with you.

6:00 – when you embrace what you love to do, it just emanates out and people want to be around you.

7:16 – Jonathan shares his big wake-up and how it has changed his life and his focus on how he wants to live life.

10:00 – Jonathan shares how a terrible accident led him to his love for social media and how he discovered it.

14:00 – Jonathan shares a story on how he brings his authenticity to the world in his relationship with his wife Debbie.

17:00 – Jonathan shares another life and death wake-up story and how we get messages to keep us on path.

19:30 – We learn his next big step on how he plans to make even a bigger difference in the world.

21:30 – Fear of rejection hold so many of us back needlessly and if finding your strength you can move beyond it.

23:30 – When you serve others is when you really start to serve yourself.

26:35 – Jonathan shares how important gratitude has been in his life and why would should share it in the world.

Imagine Miracles Resources:

  1. Your Unique Purpose Formula: Vince’s Five-Step Process to Discover Your Purpose and Your Miracle Life.
  2. C.R.E.A.T.E Model: Vince’s Six Steps to Creating and Living the Life that You Desire.
  3. Free Chapter: From Vince’s Best-selling Book Sharing the Four Things You Don’t Know Keeping You From Living a Miracle Life.