
066: Beyond Our Trauma with Arielle Sokoll

In this episode of The Miracle You with your host Vince Kramer and his special guest Arielle Sokoll discuss the affects of trauma and pain on every aspect of your life. Learn how moving beyond the pain of trauma can open up possibility.

Arielle Sokoll

Arielle Sokoll is a clinical social worker, published writer, and professional speaker.  She is a 2019 TEDx speaker, speaking on the topic of reframing grief. 

She specializes in grief and trauma work in her professional practice after personally surviving a traumatic illness and shortly after, the sudden death of her partner.  In her current role, Arielle is a therapist working with individuals with eating disorders. 

Arielle started a chapter of a national support group called GRASP, for surviving loved ones of those who have died from alcohol or drugs.

Arielle Sokoll-Ward is a clinical social worker, published writer, and professional speaker.  She is a 2019 TEDx speaker, speaking on the topic of reframing grief. She specializes in grief and trauma work in her professional practice after personally surviving a traumatic illness and shortly after, the sudden death of her partner.  In her current role, Arielle is a therapist working with individuals with eating disorders. Arielle started a chapter of a national support group called GRASP, for surviving loved ones of those who have died from alcohol or drugs. 

She is writing a book about grief that not only shares parts of her story but qualitative research and other broader views and definitions of grief. For the past 6 years, Arielle has spoken in university classrooms across the country and led others on multiple platforms to help them find resiliency after trauma and loss. Her hope is that through sharing her story, others can find their own bravery and recovery when the unthinkable happens. Arielle currently lives in Austin, Texas.

Episode Resources:

Website: www.ariellesw.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/arielle.sokollward

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rellybelly7/?hl=en

TEDx: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KfxCcMUWTp4

Three Key Points:

There’s a gift in everything that we believe is negative that happens in our lives. None of us are victims, we co-create these things in our lives to open us up to experience life the way we’re meant to experience them.

Not all illnesses are seen. Many diseases are invisible, whether it’s physical like Crohn’s disease, or a mental illness such as depression or trauma. A lot of people with unseen illnesses often feel misunderstood.

For many of us, we may have this underlying belief that we’re not good enough. Sometimes we set expectations really high for ourselves, and we expect so much out of ourselves that if we fall short, then we pay the price of not believing we’re good enough. When we compare ourselves with other people that aren’t us, we have a tendency to not feel good enough.

Show Notes:

3:30 – As a social worker, Arielle Sokoll’s passion lies in trauma and grief work. Working with patients with eating disorders, she shares how different points in her life where she was close to death has led her to her current purpose.

7:44 – Sharing a tragic story of a loved one overdosing on heroin, Arielle tells a story of how trauma in one person’s life can spill out into the lives of loved ones. 

9:00 – There’s a stigma around trauma, addiction, and mental health. Arielle shares how that stigma plays a painful toll on the victim experiencing the trauma.

13:47 – One of the greatest joys in her life is helping others cope and overcome the same loss that she’s gone through. 

15:30 – Sharing parts of her recovery and experiences of her wakeup calls, Arielle goes into detail about specific turning points in her life that brought her to the path she’s on today.

18:55 – Revealing her struggle and battles with Crohn’s disease, Arielle tells a story of how being so young and dealing with the disease, she was given the gift of different perspectives in life compared to other children her age. 

21:30 – At an early age, Arielle was hospitalized and given the ultimatum from her doctors that she was going to die. Now living her life full of gratitude and appreciation that she’s still alive, Arielle shares her story of how she overcame her struggles and problems growing up.

24:00 – One of Arielle’s biggest goals was to do a TEDx Talk, and accomplishing that made her realize that it wasn’t the experience she was expecting it to be. The TEDx Talk was honestly painful for her because she had an expectation of herself to do better that she didn’t meet. 

26:00 – Arielle had an epiphany the day of the podcast recording that she’s going through a lot right now on every aspect of her life, and that’s okay. She shares more details about what she’s feeling and what she’s going through.

31:30 – With one last piece of parting guidance, Arielle shares that finding your purpose is such a huge “to-do.” Instead find something purposeful, because finding “your purpose” sounds huge and intimidating. Purpose is connected with joy, so finding something purposeful brings a massive amount of happiness into your life.

Imagine Miracles Resources:

  1. Your Unique Purpose Formula: Vince’s Five-Step Process to Discover Your Purpose and Your Miracle Life.
  2. C.R.E.A.T.E Model: Vince’s Six Steps to Creating and Living the Life that You Desire.
  3. Free Chapter: From Vince’s Best-selling Book Sharing the Four Things You Don’t Know Keeping You From Living a Miracle Life.