
140: Love From Within with Rev. Betsy Jacks Scott

In this episode of The Miracle U, your host Vince Kramer of Imagine Miracles introduces you to an author, coach, and minister, Rev. Betsy Jacks Scott. Vince and Rev. Betsy discussed about how being a people pleaser affect not only you, but also the people around you. They also discussed how that can affect how you perceive your worth and the love you deserve.

Dr Betsy Jacks Scott

Elizabeth Jacks Scott, author, coach, and minister. Practiced psychotherapy and family therapy in New York City for two decades, former grief group leader at St. Bartholomew’s Church, cofounder of Hudson Valley Weddings at the Hill.

Ordained inter faith minister and clinical social worker. Vassar College BA, the University of Chicago MA, Hunter College School of Social Work MSW and Union Theological Seminary M.Div. Certificates in family therapy from the Hunter College postgraduate program and in psychoanalysis from the Object Relations Institute of New York City. Graduate of the One Spirit Seminary in New York City. Author of Widowhood: Doorway to Calling and Conversion. Member of nonprofit boards including Society for the Relief of Women and Children, and the Emma Adams Fund.

Episode Resources:

Official Website: https://www.elizabethjacksscott.org/

Free Gift: https://eizabethjscott.kartra.com/page/first2chapters

Facebook: @betsy.scott.374

Three Key Points:

We come into this world as infants that had to depend on the people and the world around us for even our most basic needs. We truly had to learn everything to initially survive and then to thrive. We then developed our beliefs around what we felt it took to have our needs met.

Because we depend on others, we learn to do and be what makes them happy or at least what we believe will result in us getting our needs met. We learn to please others because if we don’t they might not be there for us.

The beliefs that we develop from these experiences are the ones we carry into our lives. If we don’t change them, we will continue to search for love and acceptance on the outside instead of giving it to ourselves and knowing that we are enough just the way we are.

Show Notes:

3:25 – Rev. Betsy shared more about her and her message she’s been sharing to everyone around her.

4:28 – She talked about her calling to learn more about love and to help people love.

6:01 – How being a people pleaser can make you really unhappy and affect your life.

8:10 – Rev. Betsy talked more about her calling that headed her towards the one holy spirit.

10:04 – She talked about how she was afraid of telling her own truth and that’s one of the reasons why she’s been hiding her true self.

11:52 – She shared how she slowly uncovered everything and how she began to tune in to her own feelings.

13:47 – Her message to those who can’t find inner guidance and the will to be able to love themselves.

16:54 – Snippets from her book, “Journey to Safe Harbor”.

22:25 – Why Rev. Betsy wrote her book and the important messages she wants to convey through it.

24:47 – A piece of guidance from Rev. Betsy that she wants the audience to get from today’s episode.

Imagine Miracles Resources:

  1. Your Unique Purpose Formula: Vince’s Five-Step Process to Discover Your Purpose and Your Miracle Life.
  2. C.R.E.A.T.E Model: Vince’s Six Steps to Creating and Living the Life that You Desire.
  3. Free Chapter: From Vince’s Best-selling Book Sharing the Four Things You Don’t Know Keeping You From Living a Miracle Life.