In this amazing episode of The Miracle You podcast with your host Vince Kramer of Imagine Miracles you will meet Toby Dorr. Toby shares with Vince the circumstances that led to her being sentence to prison and what she learned during her sentence. She shares how she now is using her experience to change the life of others.
Having never had so much as a traffic ticket, Toby shattered her mold of perfection by helping a convicted murderer, a trainer in her prison dog program, escape in a dog crate. Her story is a lesson in perspective.
Instead of focusing on everything she lost, she made a conscious choice to use her twenty-seven months in prison as a period to reflect on her life, heal emotional wounds, plot a course for the future and embrace the sisterhood of women she encountered behind bars.
Episode Resources:
Official Website: [email protected]
Instagram: @tobydorr
Facebook: @TobyDorrAuthor
Twitter: @TobyDorrAuthor
Free Gift: Get a free gift from Toby.
Email: [email protected]
Three Key Points:
We are all destined to live our divine intent, our reason for being on this earth. We are constantly being supported by seen and unseen forces that are moving us toward or pointing us in that direction.
We create and co-create circumstances in our life that help us open our eyes to the fullness and the richness of making the difference we are meant to make in the world. Each delivering a gift to help us be our real selves and shine our light into the world.
When we accepted these co-creations and everything we learn from them with gratitude, we support ourselves vibrationally to step further into our divine intent and attract everything we need to live it.
Show Notes:
3:25 – Toby shares what she is doing right now to make a difference in the world with women especially in prison.
5:57 – Learn what led to her most life changing wake up call and how it came about.
12:03 – Toby continues to share two more big wake up calls and how they helped her move forward.
20:40 – She tells us about how she has used her experience to develop workbooks to help women in several different areas of their lives.
24:39 – Toby and I share the gifts that have come from her life experiences.
26:10 – Toby shares she is here on earth to help other women heal themselves and share their story.
29:53 – Toby shares that we are not our worst mistake and to remember love wins.
Imagine Miracles Resources:
- Your Unique Purpose Formula: Vince’s Five-Step Process to Discover Your Purpose and Your Miracle Life.
- C.R.E.A.T.E Model: Vince’s Six Steps to Creating and Living the Life that You Desire.
- Free Chapter: From Vince’s Best-selling Book Sharing the Four Things You Don’t Know Keeping You From Living a Miracle Life.