
175: Being Transparent with Frank Rich

In this episode of The Miracle You with your host Vince Kramer of Imagine Miracle shares his special gift Frank Rich. Vince and Frank discuss topics such as addiction, anxiety and depression. Learn Frank’s journey and how he is bring his gifts to the world.

Frank Rich

Frank Rich is a former bodybuilder entrepreneur, men’s health coach, and the host of The Super Human Life Podcast. After living with and battling addiction, depression, and anxiety for almost 20 years, he is now on a mission to help men who are suffering from the same issues take back control of their lives through the power of faith and fitness.

Frank has helped thousands of men transform their physiques through his online coaching platform where he provides content, programs, and services to men looking to build more muscle, drop body fat, and build their greatest bodies.

He is also the founder and the CEO of Rebuilt Recovery, a company based on a growth-centric holistic approach to addiction recovery. Rebuilt Recovery provides fitness training for men going through recovery as well as one-to-one coaching for men aiming to break free from porn addiction.

His goal is that by being open and transparent with his struggles and having real and raw conversations with others who have overcome adversities he can empower you to face your darkness take control and ultimately create the life you’ve always dreamed of, your own, Super Human Life.

Episode Resources:

Official Website: www.rebuiltrecovery.com

Instagram:  @coachfrankrich

Twitter:  @superhumanfrank

Email: [email protected]

Three Key Points:

We all have experiences in our lives. Some of us experience situations that are more difficult than others. Some of us may have more of these circumstances or opportunities. But they are all to help us discover and become more of who we are meant to be.

We learn from these circumstances. We learn how to change our trajectory through life. We learn ways to change our lives and then can use them to help others change their lives. We are able to have compassion and empathy for others because of our experiences.

These circumstances also provide us opportunities to open ourselves to the possibilities available to us.  We wake up to the calling to be more and live life in a way that benefits all. We get invitations, some subtle and some not so subtle, to live life a new way. 

Show Notes:

3:54 – Meet this episode’s guest Frank Rich, learn who he is and the difference he is making in the world.

6:42 – James shares his wake up calls and discusses his spiritual transformation and how it changed his life.

14:15 – We learn that Frank knew from a young age he is on earth to help others and how that has shown up in many way.

17:45 – I ask Frank to share his story about depression and anxiety to bring awareness to these issues many of us face personally or in our families.

22:48 – Frank shares with us his understanding addiction and more specifically around pornography addiction and what is happening in the country.

28:30 – Learn why Frank believes that gratitude is one of the most powerful tools you can have in your life.

Imagine Miracles Resources:

  1. Your Unique Purpose Formula: Vince’s Five-Step Process to Discover Your Purpose and Your Miracle Life.
  2. C.R.E.A.T.E Model: Vince’s Six Steps to Creating and Living the Life that You Desire.
  3. Free Chapter: From Vince’s Best-selling Book Sharing the Four Things You Don’t Know Keeping You From Living a Miracle Life.